Hello there!
Though many of you already know I thought I'd make a Public Service Announcement about it anyway.
This blog also has a FACEBOOK PAGE that automatically notifies you when there are new posts up. It's simple! All you do is click on the link above, and then click "LIKE" on the facebook page. That's also where I post most of the pictures, youtube clips and other fun things that I find online. (You won't be alone in this, there are already 400 or so others who follow along on facebook. You're never too late to join the party!) Send me messages on facebook, I promise to write you a fun rambly message in response :-)
You can also follow me on twitter! My twitter handle is: PerImperfecta - follow me here: tweet, tweet! Find out what I'm up to at work, on the weekends, or the other random brain-fart thoughts I have throughout the day.
Enjoy and I'll catch ya next week!
Need a Translation?
Main Topics I Write About:
A different perspective
All chairs should have wheels
Hope is the thing with feathers
Letters to them
Parenting 101: good luck
Readin' Writin' 'Rithmetic
family matters
fight the good fight
medical hoopla
oh wonderful technology