If there were no stairs in the world it'd be a flatter place, but not in the same way Columbus had believed. If there were no stairs in the world the toy slinky would be a whole lot less fun. If there were no stairs in the world Mary Poppins would never have swooshed up or down the banister. If there were no stairs in the world, the great pyramids of Egypt would look staggeringly different.
If there were no stairs would elevators accommodate more? If there were no stairs, would Machu Pichu still be one of the seven wonders of the world? If there were no stairs, would fire escapes look like slides? If there were no stairs would an old house creak as much? If there were no stairs would bleacher seats be different? If there were no stairs, would dollhouses have fire poles instead? If there were no stairs would we all cannon ball into the pool? If there were no stairs would the stepping stool exist? If there were no stairs how would Cinderella lose her glass slipper?
If there were no stairs no one would ever say "go wait by the stairs." If there were no stairs you would never hear "I can take the stairs instead." If there were no stairs kids would never be told "don't try sneaking down those stairs!" If there were no stairs firemen would never say "use the stairs in case of a fire." If there were no stairs trainers would never say "sweat it out on the stair master." If there were no stairs fewer would say "sorry, it's inaccessible." If there were no stairs maybe fewer would say "oh I'm so out of breath!"
If there were no stairs more people would know the thrill of racing down ramps. If there were no stairs more people would think about fewer accommodations. If there were no stairs, people might all enter and exit through the same doors. If there were no stairs universal access might be a little more universal.
If there were no stairs I'd do a whole lot less problem-solving. If there were no stairs I wouldn't be carried around as much. If there were no stairs I might say "I can't.." less. If there were no stairs I could crash more house parties. If there were no stairs I wouldn't shop on-line as much. If there were no stairs my voice might not carry up the stairwell the same way. If there were no stairs I might not be as alone in a stuck elevator. If there were no stairs,
The world would be a less interesting place, and I'm a sucker for interesting.
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Main Topics I Write About:
A different perspective
All chairs should have wheels
family matters
fight the good fight
Hope is the thing with feathers
Letters to them
medical hoopla
oh wonderful technology
Parenting 101: good luck
Readin' Writin' 'Rithmetic
I hope you got my post on your facebook wall!!~ I love your writing Sandy- thank you so much for putting it out there. yesterday was our "healed day" anniversary for my older daughter, age 13. She broke her tib fib twice, one year ago. We celebrated and both said how your writing helped us so much as we grew bone. :) - LJ