Most Read Post in April!

Whoa there. 
It's already the LAST DAY of APRIL?! Do you know what this means?

It means that this is the end of the 11th month of my blogging experience. It means that I almost have 400 fans on Facebook. It means that my twitter followers are still the greatest for listening to my 140 character brain-farts. It also means that I am still learning as we go together.

So as we end this month together and another leg of our journey begins, I'd like to thank my readers old & new - those of you who have messaged me urging me to continue, those of you who have given me ideas & topics to blog about, those of you who have opened yourselves up to me across oceans and state lines... 

Thank you! 
The most read post for the month of April is "Would I Choose to Not Have O.I.?" The night before I published this I was nervous. I thought "this is not the tone the blog is supposed to have. People expect you to be uplifting and hopeful, they are looking for a reason to continue, to know possibility, to understand that someone else has done it before them and everything is wonderful all the time." But after shutting my eyes and going ahead with it I decided it would be okay because one of the most powerful barrier breakers is the truth; and it's important to me that even after hearing the most uncomfortable truths we will still be okay, we can still continue. And by making this the most popular post this month, all of my readers have only proven this as fact!

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